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Briefings on HIPAA Features Nextech Expert on Compliance

Regulatory & Compliance | HIPAA

Revenue Cycle Advisor's Briefings on HIPAA recently consulted Nextech VP of Regulatory and Compliance Courtney Tesvich for an article on the importance of HIPAA compliance and the right of patients to access their medical records in a timely manner. The primary example used in the article focuses on a major health insurer under scrutiny for a potential HIPAA violation because of failing to respond to an individual's request for their medical records.

In the article, Tesvich comments on how technology can be leveraged to streamline the process of accessing medical records and ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations: "From an EHR standpoint, we are sharing more and more information with patients and other providers all the time. This is a highly regulated portion of how we operate. HHS has made it clear that this information belongs to the patient and must be made available to them when and where they want to access it. Tools like a robust patient portal, ease of connecting records to patient health apps, the expansion of United States Core Data for Interoperability, and the new B.10 regulations for bulk and single patient export are making it easier all the time to ensure that patients have access to their records."

Briefings on HIPAA is Revenue Cycle Advisor's newsletter for the latest revenue cycle news, analysis, and education. Its content is geared toward healthcare professionals who deal with patient confidentiality and data security issues.

Subscribers to Briefings on HIPAA can read the entire article here.»