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ONC Health IT

Reimbursement Programs

Beginning January 1, 2017 CMS combined their 3 main value-based reimbursement programs, Meaningful Use, PQRS, and the Value-Based Payment Modifier program into one program under the MACRA law. For many providers this will mean participating through the MIPS track of the program, but whether you are participating in MIPS, or through the Advanced Alternative Payment Model track of the program, Nextech makes it easy for you to excel in all facets of the program. Nextech has designed software that makes it easy to document for success in these programs and to track your progress regularly to identify areas for improvement.

Through our deep integration with the specialty society registries of the specialties that we serve, we also make it easy to use a registry to participate in MIPS. As CMS makes yearly changes in these programs, Nextech keeps you current through rapid response to the shifting requirements of these programs and through timely communication to all of our customers of program developments that affect them.

Certified EMR Software

Nextech is a responsive, knowledgeable healthcare technology partner providing ONC certified EMR software. We are proud to rank among the highest in Meaningful Use software support and attestation assistance. We are committed to replying to our users’ issues quickly, and strive to give close attention to any new needs that might arise for our clients due to changing MU requirements and other such governmental regulations. Nextech was one of the first companies to certify our platforms to the new 2015 Certified Electronic Health Record Technology standards that are required of all EHRs beginning January 1, 2019.

At Nextech, we are committed to offering resources and user documentation that will keep our clients abreast of any new/changing rules and regulations that might affect their practices and/or specialties.

ONC Disclaimer 2015 Edition:

“This Health IT Module is 2015 Edition compliant and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.”