Ophthalmology | EMR | Technology Trends
March 29th, 2018
A recent study revealed how much time ophthalmologists at a single center spend using their EHR. In this month's issue of Ophthalmology Business, Nextech's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Dan Montzka discussed why it is important to have a system that has been responsive to user input over time and is workflow friendly.
Healthcare IT | Ophthalmology | EHR
Dan Montzka, MD
February 9th, 2016
Some early adopters of electronic health records (EHRs)—specialty practices in particular—are experiencing buyer’s remorse to the point that they are considering changing vendors. Think about the movements of a patient during an appointment in a retina practice. He or she may be tested or screened in one or more areas of the facility, transitioned to another area to consult with the retina specialist, and then moved to the payment counter. Most all-purpose EHRs cannot accommodate such complicated workflows.
Healthcare IT | Ophthalmology | Implementation
CRST Europe
August 5th, 2015
In a recent article from Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today, Timothy J. Archer of the London Vision Clinic details his clinic's transition to Nextech from paper medical records. Not only did the practice experience a smooth implementation proccess, but Archer explains how your practice can have the same success as the London Vision Clinic through some helpful tips and strategies.