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Client Praises EMR ICD-10 Solution

By: Nextech | October 8th, 2015

Client Praises EMR ICD-10 Solution Blog Feature

Specialty physicians are one week in to the ICD-10 era.

Yes, the long-awaited ICD-10 deadline has come and gone. How is everyone feeling?

For many, the transition represented large amounts of stress and frustration due to either the sheer size of ICD-10, unpreparedness or even both. So how can you best attack the ICD-10 transition, even when the deadline has already passed?ICD-10-1

For quite sometime on this blog, we've reiterated the importance of implementing a coding assistance solution in your practices and how it can make a huge difference for your ICD-10 transition. Although we're beyond Oct. 1, a coding assistance solution remains the most practical and easiest tool to incorporate into your ICD-10 game plan.

Read what Dr. Gary Hirshfield, of Hirshfield Eye Associates, had to say about the coding assistance solution within MDIntelleSys, a Nextech ophthalmology specific EMR.

"I think the ICD-10 functionality is just fantastic. I spent the last two years hearing about the doom of this and all of the scrambling, and yet the clinical visits and coding have not slowed me down one second. I have been spot-checking the software codes against lists that I have and they are very accurate. Also, the red box asking for more information to get the correct code when the info is not all there is great. This a huge programming success."Hirshfield_CTA

In order to get the most out of your ICD-10 coding assistance solution, it should be:

  • Intuitive
  • User friendly
  • Fully integrated

Selecting the right coding assistance solution can minimize any negative impacts ICD-10 may have on company finances. On the other hand, a cumbersome, awkward, inconvenient or poorly integrated solution can do just the opposite and may result in significant workflow interuptions, claim denial and lost revenue.

Billing disruptions and reductions in revenue are among the biggest concerns specialty physicians have in regard to ICD-10. It is for this reason that having a fully integrated coding assistance solution is so crucial. 

With an ICD-10 coding assistance solution like Nextech, your practice will be able to satisfy the requirements of ICD-10 in a streamlined and efficient manner without sacrificing quality of care or risking reduced revenue.