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Keeping Up the Momentum After a Conference

By: Jenna Williams | February 8th, 2019

Keeping Up the Momentum After a Conference Blog Feature

You did it! You went to a conference and made it back with, hopefully, a new wealth of knowledge and a bag full of business cards and notes. But now what?

If you attended all of the amazing sessions, talked with experts and networked with exhibitors you are sure to be a little overwhelmed. But don’t set that (brand new EDGE) bag in the corner of your office and “look at everything later." Take it out and assess!

Debrief and absorb

If you were dedicated to taking notes and pictures of the PowerPoint slides on your phone, you may have yet to absorb all of the information and evaluate how you can apply it in your practice. Take a moment and get out your notes, handouts* and screen shots of the slides and highlight all of the key points you want to really apply to your day-to-day.

Don’t wait! Your new insights are sure to fade with time so make sure you don’t miss out on this step before it’s no longer top of mind.

Evaluate your experience

Take a moment to focus on the valuable insight you gained. Which sessions were most helpful? Did you miss any you should have attended?

Write down your own insight and recap for when your practice considers returning to EDGE or any major conference. Items that are obvious and important to you today may slip your mind once another year has passed by. Your future self and fellow practice staff will thank you later.

Share knowledge with other staff

By communicating the tricks and tips you learned at EDGE, not only do you become an expert in the subject, but you also make your practice a better healthcare facility. Take time to share with members of your practice to do a “show and tell” where you share your top takeaway items!  

Note! Tag-team with colleagues who also attended! Share notes and perspectives if you have not done so already.

Stay connected with other practices that attended

One can’t have too many connections! With more than 650 attendees this year at EDGE, you were sure to meet other practices similar to yours in sessions or at one of the many networking events provided.

Be sure to stay connected to those practices you met during your time in Orlando to continue discussing best practices or similar experiences with one another. 

This can also help build relationships for when planning to attend future industry meetings or EDGEs!

Reach out to a Nextech team member for further support

If you’re looking to bring EDGE knowledge to your practice but are unsure where to begin, your Client Success Manager is on standby to help! They will make sure you are set up and ready to implement all of the great information you learned to help further your practice's success outside of the conference..

Did you leave EDGE with technical questions? Log a support case in the Community Portal!

Stay connected with Nextech! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


*Handouts are available for 90 days post EDGE.