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Healthcare Intelligent Technology: Mastering ICD-10 with NexCode

By: Nextech | March 2nd, 2015

Healthcare Intelligent Technology: Mastering ICD-10 with NexCode Blog Feature

healthIT-270We’ve posted a number of discussions on this blog, in recent months, addressing various issues related to the upcoming transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10.  By now, everyone in the healthcare industry should at least be aware that October 1st 2015 is the final deadline for ICD-10 implementation in the United States.  A further delay to this deadline failed to pass when Congress approved their “Omnibus” federal funding bill at the close of 2014.  Some of those who were still holding out (hoping a delay would allow them another year or two of ICD-9) are now scrambling to be ICD-10 compliant before the deadline, to prevent having their insurance claims denied due to improper coding.

Time to face facts—the ICD-10 implementation cometh

Ready or not, here it comes.

Adopting an entirely new coding standard can be more than a little intimidating… and understandably so, especially for those who have used ICD-9 for decades.  Think about it—some currently practicing healthcare professionals have been coding with ICD-9 since it was first implemented back in 1979.  It can be a difficult undertaking to replace a system you have come to know very well over the years with one that is not only entirely new to you, but substantially more comprehensive.  Whereas ICD-9 has 17,000 unique codes, ICD-10 has more than eight times as many—140,000 unique codes.  While this allows ICD-10 to offer a superior level of specificity, by comparison, as well as include a multitude of medical advances from recent decades that are absent in ICD-9, it can also make it seem a bit overwhelming for some.  Adding even more difficulty to this transition is the fact that approximately a quarter of ICD-10 codes either do not have direct matches to preexisting ICD-9 codes or are entirely new.

Like many medical professionals, you may be thinking… How can anyone learn an entirely new coding system, especially one that is eight times longer and contains a ton of unfamiliar new codes, in only seven months?

Well… we have some good news: You don’t have to.

Or perhaps you have wondered… Why hasn’t someone created an intelligent coding solution that is capable of translating ICD-9 codes into ICD-10?

More good news: Nextech already has… we call it NexCode.

With NexCode, ICD-10 is Only a Click Away

Since the 2014 release of Nextech v11.3, our ICD-10 solution has included NexCode—a robust, intuitive, healthcare intelligent coding tool that is capable of giving any medical professional the power to quickly and easily build ICD-10 codes—based on system, location, and by answering a brief series of questions.  This means Nextech users do not have to experience the stress that comes with changing from 17,000 to 140,000 unique codes.  NexCode quickly and easily assists users in building ICD-10 codes, even if they are still writing their EMNs in ICD-9.  It also reduces the likelihood of rejected/denied insurance claims due to improper use of ICD-10 codes, thus minimizing the financial impact of ICD-10 implementation.

NexCode is a simple, user-friendly, and healthcare intelligent solution that can help any medical professional achieve immediate ICD-10 compliance with ease.

Let’s say, for example, that you want to code something like Seborrheic keratosis with the old ICD-9-CM code of 702.1.  In a Nextech EMN, the system will automatically attempt to find an exact match from the new ICD-10-CM codes.  However, since there is not a match, the “ICD-10 Description” column in the EMN function will turn red and inform the user <No Mapping – Open NexCode>.  Clicking this will open the NexCode function, which (using data such as system and location, followed by a series of quick, user-answered questions) assists the user in finding an appropriately fitting code from ICD-10.  NexCode can also be accessed from a bill.  If an exact match has not been chosen for an ICD-9 code in a bill, “ICD-10” will appear next to it in red letters.  Clicking this will open NexCode to assist the user in locating an appropriate code from ICD-10.

At Nextech, we understand that the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 can be overwhelming and intimidating.  However, we also believe that it shouldn’t have to be.  With user-friendly functions such as NexCode and NexGems, our users have command of a simple, stress-free way to satisfy the requirements of ICD-10 implementation in time for the deadline.

There are only seven months left until the final implementation date, when ICD-10 will become the new standard for all medical providers and insurance companies.  This fact is no longer in question.

In fact, only one question remains: Will you be ready?

Don't wait for October 1 - Start coding in ICD-10 today - Click here to request more information