How Your Small Practice Can Improve Patient Flow (and Why It Matters)
By: Nextech | September 30th, 2024
The success of a small healthcare practice can often be viewed through three metrics:
- Patient satisfaction
- Patient safety
- Business efficiency
All three metrics are heavily influenced by patient flow.
What Is Patient Flow?
Patient flow is how patients move through a healthcare facility like a clinic or hospital. A well-orchestrated patient flow coordinates facility, administrative, and medical resources so each patient gets the care they need in a timely manner. This results in safer, happier patients and a stronger bottom line.
Why Patient Flow Is Important
A smooth patient flow promotes patient satisfaction by eliminating the frustration of long waits. It promotes safety by ensuring medical staff have the time and focus to deliver the right care. And it drives business efficiency by coordinating resources.
How Patient Flow Affects Satisfaction and Safety
Patient flow encapsulates the patient’s experience with a practice from start to finish.
It’s what gives the patient an impression of a well-run clinic or a disorganized mess. When patients feel like their time is respected and the clinic has good business processes in place, they are more likely to be satisfied and engaged with their care.
Inefficient patient flow leads to bottlenecks and long waits. According to the Kaizen Institute, almost three-quarters of the time patients spend in healthcare facilities is spent waiting.
For many patients, the only thing more frustrating than a long wait is having to answer the same questions over and over. A patient flow should include an easy-to-follow way for staff to document and share notes as the appointment progresses.
Poor communication creates an impression of incompetence in the patient’s mind. Worse, it can lead to actual medical errors.
Poor patient flow can leave staff feeling rushed and unprepared as they move from one patient to the next. The combination of high stress and poor communication increases the risk of mistakes that threaten patient safety.
How Patient Flow Affects the Bottom Line
An efficient patient flow creates predictability in a clinic’s schedule. Predictability allows the practice to allocate resources wisely.
With a predictable patient flow, a practice can avoid overstaffing, leading to cost savings. It also can optimize use of expensive tools and facilities, accelerating the return on investment.
In a high-volume practice, keeping patients moving smoothly is crucial. It’s one of the reasons the Dermatology and Laser Centre invested in Nextech’s EHR and Practice Management System for Dermatology.
The technology saves the practice about 30 seconds per patient – a seemingly small number that adds up to more than $6,500 a year.
The combination of a well-coordinated patient flow and intuitive technology can increase revenues. A clinic can schedule more appointments per day without overextending its staff or reducing each patient’s face time.
When Loden Vision Centers implemented Nextech’s EHR for Ophthalmology, it roughly doubled the number of patients it could see per day. The key was technology that halved the time spent documenting visits, freeing up staff to see more patients.
Revenues can also see gains due to increased patient satisfaction. Happy patients refer others and leave glowing online reviews, building the clinic’s reputation and inbound leads.
How Your Small Practice Can Improve Patient Flow
Efficient patient flows don’t happen by accident. They are the product of a thoughtful approach that:
Develop Processes for a Smooth Patient Flow
Before a business starts changing its processes, it should assess the practices already in place. Examine the data on your current patient flow to look for bottlenecks. Good practice management software will have much of this data at your fingertips.
Effective quality improvements come from the top, so it’s important that the practice’s primary leaders are actively involved in developing new processes.
However, successful processes are not handed down as edicts from on high. They’re the result of discussions among people from across the organization, giving each department a voice.
Put together a committee representing staff at each stage of the patient journey, from scheduling through billing. Representatives can collect information from their departments on where employees see bottlenecks and on suggestions for improving processes.
With all this data in hand, the committee works to standardize processes. From the time a patient schedules an appointment until they pay their bill, they will follow a planned, predictable path everyone in the practice understands.
This improves efficiency and reduces errors. When mistakes do happen, it’s easier to spot them, find their source, and correct them so they don’t happen again.
Once the new processes are in place, use the data in your EHR and practice management software to track your patient flow. By following the data, you can continuously improve.
Integrate Technology to Improve Patient Flow
The lynchpin in your patient flow process is a comprehensive EHR and practice management software solution.
The patient journey begins with AI-powered scheduling tools. Optimized scheduling ensures the clinic is fully staffed at busy times to prevent a patient backlog. These smart tools consider the entire patient visit, including pre-op and post-op, avoiding overbooked rooms or overextended teams.
To prevent wasted resources, automated tools can create a waiting list. When an appointment is canceled, the system goes to work, automatically reaching out to offer an earlier appointment slot to those scheduled later in the day.
To shorten waiting time, patients can begin building out their electronic health record before they even come in. Using the EHR’s patient portal, they can complete onboarding paperwork, questionnaires, and insurance forms at their convenience, saving a step on the day of the appointment.
During the appointment, real-time tracking can help you monitor patient flow and respond when a patient gets off track.
When Cassileth Plastic Surgery & Skin Care investigated the reason for its low productivity, it found the multiple, unintegrated systems in the practice were causing poor communication and duplicative work.
The practice switched to Nextech’s fully integrated EHR and practice management system for plastic surgery, which streamlined its processes, improved its operation, and enabled the staff to provide better patient care.
As the appointment draws to an end, integrated payment tools make it easy for patients to check out and get back to their day.
Train Staff to Improve Patient Flow
Processes and technology are only as effective as the people who use them. Staff training is an important part of improving how patients flow through your practice.
First, instruct all staff on the importance of complete communication. As the patient visit progresses, add new information to the EHR in real time, making it easy for the next staffer to pick up the thread and provide excellent patient care.
Next, conduct regular workshops, especially as you introduce new processes. When people see not only the role they play in patient flow, but how it fits into the bigger picture, it becomes clear how seemingly small omissions can trigger a domino effect with big consequences.
Finally, encourage continuous learning. Help employees work efficiently by training them in time management. Build a more confident and effective workforce by teaching people to set goals, prioritize, delegate, and use the clinic’s technology.
Improve Your Facility to Ease Patient Flow
It’s hard to move people efficiently through a facility laid out like a maze.
As much as possible, lay out your facility so it’s easy to navigate and patients don’t waste time wandering corridors looking for the right door. Clear directional signage at frequent intervals can help.
When organizing the office layout, consider patient flow. In some practices, it makes sense to have patients check in and check out at the same desk. In others, this can cause traffic jams, and the two should be separated.
A third option is to use a mobile POS system that enables checkout from anywhere in the building, allowing patients to skip the checkout desk altogether.
Build Partnerships to Benefit Patients
Partnerships keep your patients moving efficiently along their healthcare journey even outside your practice.
It’s likely some of your patients will require referrals to other specialists. Build referral relationships with other providers in your area so you can direct patients easily. Your EHR should make it easy to create referral letters and share the patient’s health history with another trusted provider.
Referral partnerships are one more way to help your patients get the care they need in a timely manner. As a bonus, they also increase the chances of reciprocation, as your partners refer their patients to you.
How Nextech Can Help Improve Your Patient Flow
Nextech’s fully integrated EHR and practice management software solution is designed to help healthcare practices operate more efficiently.
Specifically built for providers of dermatology, ophthalmology, plastic surgery, medical spa, and orthopedic services, Nextech’s intuitive technology bridges information gaps and fills in details, allowing you and your staff to focus on delivering outstanding patient care.
To envision the impact Nextech could make in your practice, schedule a demo today.
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