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The latest news and information regarding electronic medical records, practice management software, HIPAA, and security from Nextech.

Blog Feature

Security & Data Management | Clinical Efficiency | Front & Back Office Performance | Staff Management

By: Nextech
May 28th, 2020

If the first few months of 2020 taught healthcare professionals anything, it’s that they were not nearly as well prepared to handle unexpected crises as they probably thought they were. With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, a serious economic crisis, a global increase in civil unrest, extreme weather from climate change, murder hornets in the U.S. and now cannibal rats devouring each other in large cities (because that might as well happen too, right?), it seems unexpected risks are coming from new directions almost daily.

Blog Feature

Clinical Efficiency | Healthcare Technology | Front & Back Office Performance

By: Nextech
March 27th, 2020

Managing a remote team of employees can be difficult, especially for managers who have always been able to see their employees in the office during the work week. How do you delegate tasks properly? How do you maintain order and efficiency? How do you know your employees are even working when you have no way to watch them? These are all common concerns for those new to the management of remote teams. In order to better serve healthcare providers, this blog article is intended to provide our readers with basic tips and best practices for forming, organizing, and maintaining your team in a remote work environment.


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Blog Feature

Clinical Efficiency | Financial Management | Front & Back Office Performance

By: Jennifer Gibson
January 24th, 2020

As we have recently been launched into a new year, now is a good opportunity to find new areas for improvement. Reviewing and reflecting on performance allows specialty practices to identify areas in which they can work better, as well as determine ways to make processes more streamlined, reliable and patient-friendly. How should specialty practices figure out if their current operations have room for improvement? Here are three areas that can reveal potential opportunities.

Blog Feature

Clinical Efficiency | Healthcare Technology | Front & Back Office Performance

By: Nextech
January 14th, 2020

You did it. You survived 2019, which was a tough (but interesting) year, earning a number of “worst year ever for” titles--Worst Year on Record for Data Breaches, Worst Year of the Decade for Job Cuts, Worst Year Ever for Hospital Overcrowding, and the list goes on. Luckily for us, the ultimate title of “Worst Year in Human History to Be Alive” actually belongs to the year 536 CE, and for a number of horrible reasons that we won’t go into detail about in this blog article.

Blog Feature

Clinical Efficiency | Healthcare Technology | Front & Back Office Performance

By: Nextech
November 20th, 2019

Physician burnout is turning out to be one of those problems that never seems to go away. According to the Physicians Foundation’s 2018 Survey of America’s Physicians, medical professionals across the country continue to suffer the negative emotional and psychological effects of issues such as low morale, high pessimism (especially regarding the future of healthcare) and job dissatisfaction. Nearly 78 percent of physicians surveyed declared feelings of burnout “sometimes/often/always.” Unfortunately, many of America’s healthcare providers are overextended, overworked and struggling to maintain compliance while bogged down by an ever-increasing amount of required paperwork.

Blog Feature

Plastic Surgery | Healthcare Technology | Front & Back Office Performance

By: Robin Ntoh
August 21st, 2019

Although having a comprehensive marketing plan is vital to attract patients to a practice, if the appointment scheduling process is clunky and/or error-prone, it can be a turn off to patients and leave a poor impression before the individual even walks through the door. Providing the optimal patient experience is a key trend among plastic surgery practices as they aim to meet the demands of rising consumerism. Here are three strategies to make sure scheduling reinforces a good reputation.

Blog Feature

Clinical Efficiency | Healthcare Technology | Front & Back Office Performance

By: Shannon Woodworth
October 31st, 2018

Long waits, inefficient care episodes and distracted doctors can make your patients feel like they’re living a nightmare. There’s no better time than Halloween to get rid of any process skeletons and explore a few tricks and treats for strengthening performance. Here are some key ways that technology can ensure your practice is ready to handle whatever ghosts and goblins come your way.

Blog Feature

Clinical Efficiency | Healthcare Technology | Front & Back Office Performance

By: Brian Gennusa
October 17th, 2017

How your EMR & Practice Management Systems Play a Part in Contingency Planning Disaster. Catastrophe. Crisis. Most of us do not like the think about these things, and we often neglect to plan for them until they are upon us. But in the midst of recent events—Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, wildfires in California and one of the largest earthquakes in Mexico—it is important to recognize that contingency planning is something that should not be overlooked, waiting until a threat is imminent and we must react.